About Us
We are Greg and Kari Cheney.
I (Kari) am a Christian, a wife, a home-schooling mother, and a home-keeper who finds joy in discovering ways to help my family thrive while being a good steward with our resources. I have been in the "church" environment all of my life, and had professed to be a Christian from my youth, but I had not truly surrendered my heart to God and Christ. That has changed. In 2020, I came to an end of myself and yielded my heart and life to Jesus. Through this blog I would like to be an encouragement to other women, wives, and mothers by sharing knowledge that I have gained and lessons I have learned.
I (Greg) am a Christian, a husband, a father, the director of a reentry facility, and a former (ill-equipped) "vocational" pastor. I have an Associate's degree in Biblical Studies (non-accredited), a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, and a Master of Public Administration degree. Most of what I have learned, in my opinion, has come from independent reading and studying. God’s truths are revealed in the scriptures and through creation, and I continue to seek knowledge and wisdom, realizing that no person, church, or denomination should claim to have reached the end of the journey when it comes to learning and understanding God’s truths. I have made professions of faith in the past, but I do not look to those for hope. I choose to follow Jesus as my Master, today. I choose to follow him in holiness, for without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.
Mainstream theology should not be considered infallible. While we must take care not to be “blown around by every wind of doctrine”, we must also constantly test the teachings we have heard for biblical accuracy. We believe that mainstream Christianity has by and large abandoned the historical and scriptural Jesus for "another Jesus"; a "Jesus" that stems from unnecessary metaphysical speculations that render him not "like his brethren in every respect" (Hebrews 2:17), but instead declares him to be a confusing dual-natured being who is part of an incomprehensible triune being. We believe with Jesus that Yahweh, the Father, is the only true God (John 17:3), and that others are sometimes called "God" or "god" in a representative sense, or that the terms elohim and theos (usually translated as God/god) are designations of an authoritative status - Moses [Exodus 7:1]; rulers [Psalm 82:6; John 10:34-35]; Davidic kings [Psalm 45:6; Hebrews 1:8]; Satan [2 Corinthians 4:4]. We believe Jesus is God's only begotten Son, born to a virgin, our Lord Messiah, "a man approved of God" (Acts 2:22) who was empowered by God to do miracles, that he was tempted as we are but never sinned, that he is the Savior of the world who died and was resurrected that we all might have eternal life, that he is the ultimate Davidic king to whom God has given all authority in heaven and on earth, and that he will return to the earth to rule and reign forever. We believe that all who submit to his rule over their lives will be given the gift of immortality at the resurrection. He is Lord of all, subject only to the Father. We submit to Yahweh, the Father, as the Most High God, and to the Lord Jesus, his Messiah, whom we are to honor as we honor the Father (John 5:23).
Many throughout history have sought to control and silence others through violence, incarceration, censorship, and other behaviors stemming from human selfishness. We think that religious and political institutions of monopoly and control have been the two main instruments through which self-serving interests have been imposed on humankind, thus we wish to promote liberty by opposing religious and political tyranny. We also wish to promote love, for love is the fulfillment of the moral law of God. We have no creed but Christ. We pledge allegiance to only one Kingdom.
Our mission is to serve the Lord Jesus by exploring and teaching God's truth, by encouraging the saints to continue in the faith, by calling on sinners to submit to the rule of Christ, and by engaging in spiritual warfare for the sake of the burdened and broken-hearted.